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decision value中文是什么意思

用"decision value"造句"decision value"怎么读"decision value" in a sentence


  • 决策值
  • 判决值


  • Virtual decision values
  • As an important parameter of securities market supervision , accounting earnings possess significant decision value
  • Based on the meta decision value conseptual model ( mdvcm ) , first , the value problems in simple small system ( sss ) , simple large system ( sls ) and complex system ( cs ) are discussed
  • The characteristic of the new fuzzy support vector machine is that , for the data with numerical decision attributes , this algorithm fuzzifying the samples to some classes based on actual problem first , then training them ; for new sample , this algorithm not simply dope the corresponding decision value , but give the corresponding class and the membership degree belongs to it based on the actual circs and its condition attributes
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